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Came true

Mikhail Khazin

There will likely be restrictions on transferring dollars within the territory Trump declares his own. However, I currently believe this will involve a united economic system comprising Canada, the U.S., and Mexico. Dollars, both cash and electronic, will only be transferable out of this system with very strict limitations.
#Dollar #Economy #USA #Canada #Mexico #Trump
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Iliya Kusa

I don’t see any threat to the U.S. dollar in the coming decades, for sure. BRICS is not ready for this. In bilateral relations, they can afford, as they already do, to move away from the dollar in favor of national currencies, but this doesn’t mean that the dollar is seriously weakening on the global stage yet.
#Dollar #USA #Economy
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Igor Lipsitz

I think they will simply ask one of the bankers to sell, and the exchange rate will stabilize and go down. I don’t think it will stay at this 114 level just yet—it’s too early for that. I believe they’ll bring it down to around 107-105 and keep it there for some time. Rubles per dollar.
Completely came true
#Ruble #Dollar #Economy of Russia #Russia
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Dmitriy Potapenko

The stability of the Russian ruble. So, the range of 93-97—I don’t really see the need for it to reach, maybe touch, 98-99, but that’s unlikely. The ruble exchange rate will be 93-97 per dollar until the end of 2024.
Did not come true
#Ruble #Dollar #Economy of Russia #Russia #Economy
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Ivan Yakovina

I think it will gradually increase. I don’t know to what levels exactly; it will all depend on how much Putin spends and prints unbacked money. But that the dollar rate will rise is absolutely certain. The ruble-to-dollar exchange rate.
#Ruble #Dollar #Russia #Economy of Russia #Economy
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Sergey Aleksashenko

So far, I don't see any significant displacement of the dollar from its status as the world's primary reserve currency.
#Dollar #Economy
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Igor Lipsitz

I have a hypothesis about how they will strengthen the ruble... I think a two-step plan will be played out: 1) The Central Bank will sharply raise its interest rate—by as much as two points (which will ultimately undermine construction and hopes for GDP growth); 2) The government will secretly force several large exporters to sell more currency (I believe a total of at least ten billion). As a result, the dollar will drop from 100 to 90, and the President will proudly praise the Central Bank for its successful work in strengthening the ruble, which will be reported across all channels. After that, the exchange rates of the dollar and euro will gradually start to rise again...
#Russia #Economy of Russia #Economy #Ruble #Dollar
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Sergei Markov

Many are joking about my prediction that the ruble won't be allowed to fall below 100. I admit that I am not an economist. But, having thought it over, I repeat my prediction about the ruble now – in the near future, the heads of the Central Bank and the Ministry of Finance will get a reprimand, and the exchange rate will drop below 100. Among the factors weakening the ruble, there are both temporary and psychological factors. Therefore, my prediction is that the ruble will be less than 100. Although many currently believe that since the ruble has broken the 100 mark, it will stay there. But I still think, even though I am not an economist, that it will go slightly below 100. We'll see.
Completely came true
#Russia #Economy of Russia #Economy #Ruble #Dollar
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Mikhail Belyaev

Since we saw at the end of last year that the U.S. economy did not fall into crisis, while the Russian economy slightly slowed down in its adaptive and positive trends, the ruble has depreciated a bit against the dollar and is now, at the end of January, around 67-68 rubles. As I do not see any prerequisites for significant changes in either the Russian economy or the U.S. in February, it seems that this is the rate to expect in the coming month. Of course, fluctuations around this figure are possible, and they will be significant, as there is some uncertainty in the external economic situation. But the most important thing is that the Central Bank of Russia is not intervening in the exchange rate formation mechanism and is not smoothing out excessively sharp peaks in fluctuations. As a result, the ruble will fluctuate around the 67-68 rubles per dollar mark, with noticeable variations of about one ruble in either direction. But on average, this is the rate we can expect throughout February.
Did not come true
#Russia #Economy #Economy of Russia #Ruble #Dollar
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Dmitriy Potapenko

Thus, they will try to bring it to an average of 71-74... but physically, the rate of 67-69 is the maximum they can achieve by December... this is assuming they don't 'fool around like complete idiots.' About the exchange rate of the ruble to the dollar.
Almost came true
#Russia #Economy of Russia #Ruble #Dollar
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