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Came true

Sarkis Darbinyan

This will lead to changes in Telegram's policy... Most likely, they will reconsider their policy regarding content and moderation... Durov will have to evolve, just like all big tech companies. Telegram will reconsider its policy towards strengthening moderation
#Internet #Censorship #Telegram #Durov
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Nikolai Kononov

I think that the parameters for cooperation regarding the speed of response to messages will be clarified. For example, I know that the German authorities were outraged when they realized that there was no special employee in Telegram to handle their issues." Telegram will speed up the response time to messages from government agencies as part of a possible agreement made after the detention of Pavel Durov
#Internet #Censorship #Telegram #Durov
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Mikhail Svetov

If we need to predict how exactly Telegram will be killed in Russia, I can make that prediction. Because I see how this is happening in Brazil, where Telegram has been constrained. Certain channels are being blocked in Brazil. So, globally, Telegram channels are not banned, but they are cut off from a significant part of the local audience. Because if you are accessing Telegram from a Brazilian IP address and want to subscribe to some Brazilian Telegram channel, Telegram does not allow you to do this for the same reason that when you open certain Telegram channels on an iPhone, it says that they are unavailable due to iOS policy. This balkanization of the internet as a whole and Telegram in particular will happen, and it seems to me that, unfortunately, this is indeed the most likely scenario for the degradation of Telegram
#Internet #Censorship #Russia #Brazil #Telegram
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Mark Feygin

I believe with a high degree of certainty that Durov will grant access to Telegram. While in custody, Durov will agree to cooperate with the French law enforcement system, and let's be frank, with the French means with the American and all the others
#Internet #Censorship #France #Russia #Durov #Telegram
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Margarita Simonyan

What is the main point in the story with Durov? That everyone who is used to using Telegram for sensitive conversations/messages should delete those messages right now and stop doing so. Because Durov was shut down to take the keys. And he will hand them over.
#Internet #Censorship #Russia #France #Durov #Telegram
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Vision of the future

Most likely, Macron did not forgive Durov for his connections with the authorities of Azerbaijan, whom Paris accuses of organizing protests in New Caledonia. The protests were allegedly organized through Telegram. However, it is unlikely that Durov will become the new Assange. He will be interrogated, pressured, and then released
#France #Russia #Internet #Censorship #Durov #Telegram
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Stanislav Belkovsky

For some reason, everyone has decided that they are going to disable Telegram specifically. But it seems to me that they are not going to disable Telegram, or at least it won't be the first one to be targeted. In Russia.
#Russia #Internet #Censorship #Telegram
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