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Kirill Martynov

Journalist (Russia)

Came true

Kirill Martynov

For 2.5 years, they’ve been puffing their chests and telling everyone that their “special military operation” is eternal, forever, and that the ashes will always beat in our hearts... But as soon as the first conflicts arise and the first excuses to forget about this so-called heroic feat, which Putin’s army went off to perform in a foreign country for unknown reasons, the so-called heroes of the “special military operation” will be forgotten instantly. Because it’s a shameful, dishonest, and completely unpopular war that nobody ever needed.
#Russia #War in Ukraine
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Kirill Martynov

I suspect that in the end we will not see any court decision on this matter. Because most likely the evidence presented is enough to make a convincing film for YouTube, but not quite enough for the court to make a decision one way or another... There will be a statement from FBK in court, possibly some statement from Nevzlin... and then this situation will hang in the air.
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