A little about possible changes after the inauguration. I would bet on the return of Alexei Dyumin from Tula to Moscow: either to the government (as a security vice-premier or minister), or to the Security Council, or even to the Administration of the President.
ru → en
Notes and References
1) [https://t.me/rusbrief/225069] 2) [https://www.kommersant.ru/doc/6691555], [https://meduza.io/feature/2024/05/14/patrusheva-nazyvali-samym-vliyatelnym-silovikom-rossii-a-teper-on-pomoschnik-putina-po-korablestroeniyu-pohozhuyu-dolzhnost-poluchil-dyumin-hotya-emu-prochili-post-ministra-oborony-chto-vse-eto-znachit]
Prediction params: completely came true (+7), complex (+2), careful (+0)